Scroll down to the bottom of the page and there he is, giving this testimonial (oh and with his famous "Paris Hilton pic" of course):
"Igor Is A World Class Hypnotist"
"Igor Ledochowski is a world-class hypnotist, coach and NLP trainer.
"He has greatly helped my company using
Nick Kho
President of Real Social Dynamics
Now The World's Leading "How To Do Seduction" Company
Los Angeles, California, USA
Props to the guy who first discovered this and started a thread on rsdnation about this (
). I'm sure they will eventually delete the thread there so I'll leave this here so it doesn't get lost.
I know who this Igor Ledochowski dude is, he is actually one of the few dudes teaching "hypnosis tactics" who isn't full of shit. His stuff on influence tactics, persuasion and frame control is pretty tight.
This guy has also taught Tyler all the frame control skills that he uses on RSDNation (and in real life I bet) all the time.
RSD doesn't teach influence techniques on bootcamp (in fact, they teach zero "conversation skills" on bootcamp). This being the case, the only way that "cutting-edge models of language and behavior" can take bootcamps "to the next level" is by influencing the student in whatever ways the instructor wants the student to think about the bootcamp experience.
This is why RSD has so many positive reviews and very few negative ones (apart from the censoring of course). It was also described in the old "RSD confidential" stuff that was copied from the RSD private instructor board a few years ago, where a few of the tactics were described to persuade students to write excellent reviews etc.
It is clear that in the community, bootcamps are more about gaming the student than it is about teaching him to game
[quote=paul123;2503It is clear that in the community, bootcamps are more about gaming the student than it is about teaching him to game
Yeah of course it is.
Self styled MPUAs are only interested in one thing, and one thing only.
They don't care about your well being, your psychology or even you seeing results in the real world or whether you had a good experience or not.
They take your money and scram to their materialistic girlfriends.
Remember there is a lot of Cult like practices. The first part of the Cult is to seperate people from their families and friends.
"I'm teaching you things your Dad never told you about"
"PUAs get laid (cough-bullshit) and 99% of guys in Nightclubs are ALL AFCs*" (*us and them mindset- which is classic PUA Propoganda)